Herbivores vs. Carnivores: Are They Alike?

Last Update: May 22nd, 2022

Are you wondering what the difference between herbivores and carnivores is? We can help you with that!

Those terms both pertain to forms of consumption for organisms. Different animals consume different kinds of food such as plants, meat, or both. 

In this article, we will discuss what herbivores and carnivores are in great detail. We will also go over the characteristics that make them unique, their roles in the ecosystem, their similarities, and finally, their differences. We will also give some examples of these two animal classifications. 

Read about them below!

What are Herbivores?

Herbivores are animals whose main food source is plant-based. Examples of plant-based food sources are foliage, plant saps, seeds, fruits, or marine algae. They do not eat meat or any meat by-product.

The term Herbivore came from the Latin word Herbivora, derived from “herba,” which means small plant, and “vora,” which means to eat or devour.


Because of their plant diet, herbivorous animals usually have flat and broad teeth instead of pointed ones. They mainly use them to rasp and grind plant materials such as grass, leaves, and tree bark. 

Think, for example, cows and horses. Both animals lose sharp incisors as their mouths continuously adapt to what they eat. 

Herbivores have digestive systems that can only process foliage. This means that if you try to feed them meat, their bodies will probably reject it, and they will get sick. 

Their digestive systems have gut flora – a kind of bacteria that help digest plant matters. They have long and complicated digestive tracks to help them break down and digest tough plant cellulose.

The two most common feeding strategies for herbivores are grazing and browsing. Grazers, like cows, need to eat at least 90% of the forage in the form of grass. 

On the other hand, browsers like moose need to eat at least 90% of the forage in the form of tree leaves and twigs. Some herbivores follow an intermediate feeding strategy called mixed feeding.

Examples of Herbivores

The cow is probably the first animal we think of when the term herbivore is mentioned. But of course, there are several more out there. Crabs, flamingos, and sea urchins are herbivores because their diet includes algae only. 

Orangutans and ruffed lemurs only feed on fruits. Koalas and gorillas only eat leaves. Honey possums and hummingbirds only feed on nectar from flowers. Hawaiian honeycreepers only have seeds in their diets. 

Horses and cows are known to eat only grass, while bees only feed on pollen. Aphids live on plant fluids such as saps. Lastly, termites are herbivores, too, as they only eat wood.

What are Carnivores?

Carnivores are animals and organisms that eat only meat. It came from the Latin words “caro,” which means meat or flesh, and “devora,” which means to eat or devour. 

The energy requirement of carnivores comes from killing and eating other animals, usually in the process of hunting or scavenging. Carnivorous animals generally eat herbivores but can also eat omnivores, which eat both plants and meat.


Since carnivores are predatory in nature, they have pointed and sharp teeth to help them hunt and devour their prey. Their sharp incisors help them eat the muscles, fats, and other soft tissues of other animals. 

They are commonly fast, strong and they have keen senses for hunting. They are very healthy, active, and have a robust body structure. They have sharp claws too to help them capture and tear their prey. Their jaws are built strong, so they can crush and smash bones. 

Unlike herbivores, carnivores have comparatively short digestive systems because they do not need to break down cellulose from plants. Their digestive systems are also simpler than those of the herbivores.

Types of Carnivores

Carnivores vary in their type of prey and are not limited to the animal kingdom. Some plants, such as the Venus fly-trap, prey on insects. Some carnivorous fungi prey on invertebrates such as nematodes and amoebae. 

There are also the most common ones like felines, from domestic cats to lions and tigers; Canines such as wolves and coyotes; Polar Bears; Birds of prey, including hawks, eagles, vultures, falcons, and owls. 

Some carnivores are not born to hunt and instead look for animals that are already dead, so they can scavenge and consume their meat. 

Some scavengers lack the physical characteristics to bring down the prey, while other carnivores do scavenging when the opportunity arises.

The Food Chain

Herbivores are also known as primary consumers and are only one level up from plants in the food chain. They play an indispensable role in the food chain because they digest the carbohydrates produced by plants from photosynthesis as they consume plants.

Carnivores are higher in the food chain as they consume the herbivores to obtain the same carbohydrates. They are predatory in nature, and this helps them fulfill their role in the food chain. 

Carnivores are essential to any ecosystem because they maintain balance and help keep other species from being overpopulated.


Even though carnivores and herbivores are different in so many ways, they are similar in the way that they can’t make their own food. 

They both need to eat and drink other organisms in order to obtain energy. They are both consumers, and they both have body parts such as teeth and beaks that enable them to eat.


Carnivores and herbivores have numerous differences. The most prominent is their specific diets, as mentioned in great detail above.

Aside from that, the digestive systems of carnivores are shorter than the digestive systems of herbivores. Carnivores have digestive systems that are 3 to 6 times longer than their body length. 

Herbivores have 10 to 12 times longer digestive systems than their body length. This is because herbivores need to digest tougher cellulose from plants. 

Herbivores’ teeth are broader and flatter, while carnivores’ teeth are sharp and pointed. This is because of their different diets, which enable them both to consume their food without much effort.

Toy Sets on Herbivores vs. Carnivores

Now that we have learned all about herbivores and carnivores, here are some fun toy sets to learn more about them. It’s always exciting to put into practice and play with our learnings, isn’t it?

1. Dinosaur Toys for Kids

This dinosaur toy set is best for kids ages 3 to 5. It is complete with an activity mat with trees, realistic backgrounds, and various dinosaur toys to help kids play pretend. It involves T-Rex, Triceratops, Velociraptors, and more – an excellent way to identify the different prehistoric creatures and study what they eat too!

2. Food Chain Puzzle

This Science puzzle set contains 3 puzzles in 1 book! It has 100 pieces that you can put together to form a complete picture of the food chain. It’s mesmerizing, educational, and an amusing way to learn about herbivores and carnivores too!

 3. 82 Pieces Animal Toy

These animal toys vary from zoo animals, to farm animals, and animals underwater. It contains 82 different pieces that can be used in naming and identifying animals. You can also discuss the animals’ habitats and whether these animals are herbivores, carnivores, or omnivores. It’s a great game to learn and have fun at the same time!


Although herbivores and carnivores are both organisms, they have main differences in terms of their diet. Herbivores eat only plants, while carnivores eat meat and flesh. 

Examples of herbivores are cows, horses, elephants, and bees, while examples of carnivores are lions, wolves, and vultures. Both types of organisms help balance the ecosystem, and both rely on other creatures for food and energy.

Elena Jones

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