How to Make Ocean Slime at Home

If you love making arts and crafts at home, and you want to have fun with your kids, this one’s for you! This slime recipe can always be modified to fit any theme you want.

Use movies, stories, unique places, and even your favorite video games to inspire your next slime creation. Be playful with this under the sea theme to make the best and most fun slime recipe you will ever make!

We prepared these slime recipes for you to try at home:

Recipe #1

We will start this ocean slime recipe with all the right ingredients.

Here’s what you’ll need: 
•   ½ cup water 
•   ½ cup liquid glue 
•   ½ cup liquid starch 
•   Liquid watercolors or food coloring 
•   Glitter (optional)


1. Pour water and the liquid glue into a mixing bowl. Stir well until combined.

2. You can now add your food coloring or liquid watercolor to the mixture.

3. This is an optional step, but put a good amount if you are a big fan of glitters! Be careful because there will be some glitter leftover.

We recommend adding blue, green, and silver glitter to your slime to have some pop of colors in your homemade ocean slime!

4. Add the liquid starch and mix.

5. The mixture will start to thicken as you mix it. Take your spoon out of the homemade slime and knead it well by hand.

6. Consistency is essential for the perfect slime. It should be stretchy but not too sticky or stringy.

Note: If your slime did not work out as you were hoping, fixing it will be easy! Follow the instructions below to help fix your slime.

7. After finishing up, store your homemade slime in an airtight container.

Possible Errors & Solutions

Typically, homemade recipes, arts and crafts tend not to work out the way we wanted them to work.

Slimes, in particular, are trickier and need several tries to perfect the recipe. But when slimes fail, here are some quick fixes that might help! We will also mention some issues affecting the quality of your slime.

1. You do not have enough liquid starch in your homemade slime

If there is not enough liquid starch, the slime will be very sticky and stringy. The glue will string to your spoon and hands.

You should add more liquid starch, at least one tablespoon at a time, as you mix. Stir well in between and add as needed. You will know that your slime has enough starch when it does not string to your spoon anymore when you mix. You should be able to lift all your slime.

After you knead your slime for a few minutes, it will not be as sticky as it was anymore!

2.   You put too much liquid starch

It will be very stringy if your slime has too much liquid starch. It will not stick, though. It is going to slide through your spoon and hands. It will look like gross clumps of goo that you would want to throw away as soon as possible! But there is a fix to this!

Pour off the excess liquid starch from the slime. Use about ¼ cup of clear glue to add to the mixture. Gradually add it into the mix and stir. The slime will slowly start holding together. Knead it by hand for two to three minutes, and it will be good.

The perfect slime holds together and is not stringy nor starchy in any way. It moves as one.

When you knead your slime for two to three minutes, it will be gel-like and smoother. It turns into a more uniform slime.

Another Important Tip:

The amount of liquid starch required varies a lot from different slimes. It varies on the type of ingredients you add to it. Whether it is food coloring, liquid watercolors, glue, borax, baking soda, etc., it is best to add whatever amount of glue you like in your homemade slime. Put one tablespoon of glue at a time and mix in between until you get the perfect slime.

(Tip: make slimes per batch with two bottles of clear glue.)

Knead the slime for a few minutes, or use your hand to roll it over and mix!

Recipe #2

Here’s what you’ll need:
•   1/2 cup of clear Washable School Glue
•   1/2 cup of wáter
•   Food Coloring
•   Glitter
•   1/2 Tsp Baking Soda
•   1 TBSP Saline Solution
•   Fun Ocean Animals (optional)
•   Glass Gems


1. Pour water and the liquid glue into a mixing bowl. Stir well until combined thoroughly.

2. You can now add your food coloring, glitter, and even confetti (whatever your choice is). Know that when you add color to white glue, the result of the color will be much lighter. Clear glue is better for toned colors!

3. Stir baking soda.

Unlike our first homemade ocean slime, baking soda helps firm and form the slime in this second recipe. Preferably add in ¼ to ½ teaspoon of baking soda per patch of slimes, but you can always experiment with your ratios!

4.   Add the 1 tbsp saline solution into the mixture. You will see your ocean slime forming and pulling away from the sides of the bowl! If your slime is still too sticky, you might want to add a few more drops of the solution into your hands and knead the slime.

5.   Keep kneading the slime for three minutes! Once you set it aside into a clean container, it will slowly change its consistency.

The Truth Behind Ocean Slime

Is slime a liquid or solid? It is called a non-Newtonian fluid as it is a little bit of both. Its viscosity differs widely on recipes and ingredients used, but making slime is as fun as ever!

Fun at Home with Kids
Little Bins For Little Hands

Elena Jones

2 thoughts on “How to Make Ocean Slime at Home”

  1. Pingback: How to Make Slime With Baking Soda – Easy and Safe! - Spiral Toys

  2. Pingback: 50 Top Winter STEM Activities for Kids - Spiral Toys

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